Anger and my monsters

Anger and my monsters

Anger and My Monsters
Who doesn’t know that, once you’re in a rage and frenzy, you have trouble keeping your own monsters in check. Well secured, they usually slumber in their cages. But woe betide if they go into alarm, if they start to seethe with anger. Then nothing can stop her. Rags literally fly, things are said that were not meant, actions are taken that were not intended. Afterwards you sweep up your shards and try to put everything back in place and patch it up.

Sometimes we have tamed our monsters or they have been tamed in such a way that they forget to protect. That they do not jump when attacked and that children in particular, who have been exposed to emotional violence from an early age, are more likely to turn the monsters against themselves than to ward off attacks from outside. This is where the self-image, self-esteem, assessment of situations, attributions, norms and values ​​change. The child feels guilty, thinks they deserve it, and directs their anger at themselves. A perpetrator-victim reversal occurs.

Perpetrator-victim reversals can often be seen in the social norm. Questions about what the girl was wearing when she was subjected to sexual assault, to even responding to his dick pic. Perpetrator-victim reversal often occurs in bullying, … could have defended oneself. Women who don’t stand shoulder to shoulder, but also say… she deserved the way she dressed, behaved,…

It is not the victim who is to blame for the assault he has experienced, but men’s pathological ideas that women who behave in this way want what happened to them, that women belong to them and that it is their natural right as a man to satisfy their needs . The church also has its share. Female sexuality being demonized and expelled from paradise. Seduction by women, the classic image of women being to blame, right from birth. And despite education, the women’s movement and preventive measures, this image sticks in everyone’s mind.

Acrylic painting on multimedia paper 59.4x84.1 cm

280 €