Past And Presents

Past And Presents


140x150cm Acrylic painting on canvas. Multi media, structures in the different layers

It deals with the parts that we pass down through generations or injuries that occupy us for a lifetime. Stories that we only know from tales that are different with each narrator or of which we only know excerpts. The past affects our here and now, our daily actions. Every hurt we’ve suffered affects our curiosity, our future actions, our beliefs about ourselves, our self-worth, our experience of self-efficacy. The same happens with children who have experienced violence of any kind in their early childhood. And it has serious consequences for future actions, for motivation, curiosity, consequences for self-esteem and the experience of self-efficacy. Even with children, who are still developing and are only just discovering their future SELF. Early experiences of violence stop and change precisely these developments.

How long do you carry around family histories, hurts that determine every further action in the here and now?

1450 €
